About to invest in customer relationship training? Read on. Don’t want to? You should certainly read on! We all have access online to the best possible insights on that subject, delivered by experts who often happen to be excellent writers, speakers and …
Lorsque j’ai choisi la carrière de consultant, je choisissais la découverte d’entreprises qui m’étonnent, la rencontre de professionnels qui m’inspirent et le défi de m’adapter rapidement aux deux pour leur apporter des solutions créatives. En échange, j’étais prêt à accepter …
We were 6 in a small room barely big enough to host 4 people. Conveniently situated along the aisles of the open space floor, these glass-walled meeting rooms were perfect for informal chats or impromptu meetings. And indeed, according to …
Whatever the size of your company – and at that time, I was working for a pretty big one – it’s still an event when one of the top 5 valuable brands in the world selects you in a shortlist …
How many times have you spent time and money on training only to find out that you never actually put those ideas into practice consistently? There might be a short burst of enthusiastic application but generally those ideas either stay …
Companies invest a lot of money to find, acquire and retain new customers. For example in the service industry, the marketing cost for the website, brochures, events, commercials, … is in general 5% of the turnover. The total sales cost (sales salaries, sales materials, sales enabling …